Thursday, August 10, 2017

Tuesday, August 15th, 2017

UPDATE: There is apparently an 80s tribute band doing a concert in Cook Park tomorrow night. We'll play it by ear to see how this impacts our plans, but for now, we'll stick to the plan.

Hello, everyone,

We're on duty for hospitality at church the morning of August 20th. We need 2-4 people from 7:30-8:20 AM to prepare communion and the hospitality bar. Can you help this time? Comment or let me know.

This week we'll be gathering in Cook Park to make the most of summer, now that it's cooling off a bit. Instead of bringing food to share (unless you really want to), just bring food for yourself. We'll gather at some tables near the play structure.

See you all on Tuesday!



  1. I will help out on August 20th.

    Who wants to dress up in 80's costumes tomorrow???

    1. Hahahahahahaha.... I'd totally be in bit sadly after a quick Google image search I lack a costume. Lol. Too many 70s dances... Wow now I feel old.

  2. I can help out on Sunday too :)
